Demonstration session of the legendary psychotherapist Alfried Laengle. Social media: poison or medicine?

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simultaneous translation from English to Russian

May 31 at 8:00 PM MSK

Demonstration session of the legendary psychotherapist 

Alfried Laengle, and discussion with Alfried Laengle

and Irina Stomberg – blogger, personal brand mentor,

podcaster and Stockholm tour guide

Social media: 
poison or medicine?

How to overcome impostor syndrome and start showing up

simultaneous translation from English to Russian

May 31 at 8:00 PM MSK

Demonstration session of the legendary

psychotherapist Alfried Laengle, and discussion with Alfried Laengle and Irina Stomberg – blogger, personal brand mentor, podcaster and Stockholm tour guide

Social media: poison or medicine?

How to overcome impostor syndrome 
and start showing up

With the advent of the internet, everyone can openly share about their lives

People use personal social media for professional development and earning. Daily stories, posts, and videos have become part of life.

But many find it difficult to manage 

social media because of:

Fear of self-expression, showing their knowledge, feelings, appearance

Dependence on likes and approval from followers

Lack of moderation: it's hard to present oneself in a measured, sincere, and interesting way

Impostor syndrome develops, and a person becomes more vulnerable and less confident.

Some are afraid to show themselves and

do it so reluctantly, or not at all. Self-esteem plummets.

And others showcase their entire lives, which creates additional problems in the form of hate, harassment, and blurred boundaries.

How to overcome the fear of showing up on social media and revealing your inner value without harming yourself

Watch a live demonstration session with a client conducted by the legendary

psychotherapist Alfried Laengle, and the open dialog between Dr. Laengle and Irina Stomberg 

blogger, personal brand mentor, podcaster and famous Stockholm tour guide

What prevents authentic expression on social media: impostor syndrome, unstable self-esteem, histrionic behavior, anxiety.

Strong traits of bloggers: creativity,

emotionality, ability to see opportunities,

and how to develop them.

What's the connection with hysteria and

why histrionic traits exist in everyone.

The strong traits and weaknesses of people

with histrionic personality disorder.

How to authentically and successfully

manage social media.

The broadcast will be useful

for psychologists, coaches, and helping professionals

  • If you work with clients' issues related to impostor syndrome, fear of showing up on social media, self-esteem, and success.

  • It's also for those who run their own blogs and want to express themselves through inner value.

  • It's for anyone who wants to learn more about what helps and hinders managing social media sustainably, through authenticity, and without manipulations


Alfried Laengle

  • Austrian existential analyst and psychotherapist
  • MD and PhD
  • Developed a new branch of psychotherapy called existential analysis based on logotherapy
  • Author of numerous books and articles
  • In 2011, he was awarded the Decoration of Honour in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria
  • From 2002 to 2010, Alfried Laengle served as Vice President of the International Federation for Psychotherapy
  • He teaches and holds a variety of positions at a number of universities around the world
  • Successor of Viktor Frankl

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