online advanced training course
by Professor Alfried Laengle, founder of the psychotherapy method and student of Viktor Frankl
online advanced training course
by Professor Alfried Laengle, founder of the psychotherapy method and student of Viktor Frankl
Training from the Founder of Existential Analysis
Live events and demo sessions with real clients
Supervisions and intervisions with feedback from experienced colleagues
Personalized Certificate of Completion
1 in every 8 people in the world live with a mental disorder*
That's more than a billion people who face challenges every day that others don't even notice.
They can be divided into three types
They just don't feel good, they don't like the way they are living, but they have no idea what to do about it.
They are stigmatized and suffer from it, because they didn't choose their disorder.
They spend a lot of money on psychotherapy, on medication, but there's no improvement. It kills their faith that life can be different.
It's difficult to work with these clients. But we have to work with them.
These people need help. Help that's effective and grounded in their personalities.
You can get results by using the existential analysis method — psychotherapy approach developed by Alfried Laengle, M.D., PhD.
To apply the method of existential analysis in practical work with difficult clients, helping them to grow, to strengthen their Self, to withstand difficulties and suffering, to approach a good quality of life
To endure clients with personality disorders and guide them to results while ensuring your own safety and resilience
To understand the causes of the onset and development of the personality disorder, as well as the internal experiences and external manifestations
To make diagnoses, refer to a mental health provider with specific recommendations, and work collaboratively
To cope with your own personality accentuations and use this knowledge in your work and personal life
To get your clients to the desired result and increase your service fee based on the efficiency of your work
Depression, anxiety
Fears and phobias
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Para-existential Personality Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Dissociative Personality Disorder, depersonalization, derealization
Schizotypal Depressive Personality Disorder
Self-harm, demonstrative suicidal behavior
* The material in this course is intended primarily for advanced training of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists. For all others, the material is introductory and does not qualify you to work with people with personality disorders
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Have difficulty psychodiagnosing a client
Fear working with personality disorders
Feel their own personality accentuations resonating with clients
Don't know when, how, or if to refer a client to a psychiatrist
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Are looking for an opportunity to study existential analysis in depth
Have insufficient experience in working with personality disorders
Want to gain additional knowledge and credentials to demonstrate competence
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Want to bring a deep personal touch to their practice for better results
Want to integrate existential methods into their work with patients
Are interested in self-development and personal growth
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Want to learn new methods and approaches to improve the effectiveness of their practice
Who seek personal growth by studying and practicing existential analysis
Who want to understand how to better interact with family members and partners with a personality disorder
This course is not recommended for people with or suspected of having a personality disorder.
Participation is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any difficulties, problems or harm that may arise during or after the course.
We strongly recommend personal therapy during the course.
More detailed information will be sent to course participants in a special e-mail.
Lecture 1 What is personality? Neuroses and personality disorders
Open webinar
September 18, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Core Components of Personality: Examination of the elements that make up personality: self-awareness, identity, authenticity, inner world, and outer expressions.
Lecture 2 A bit about pathology, its consequences and how to deal with it. Part 1
September 26, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
When it gets tough for you and me. How personality traits can make communication difficult. Part 1
Practical methods of existential analysis, support from family and loved ones, guidelines for communication.
Lecture 3 A bit about pathology, its consequences and how to deal with it. Part 2
October 2, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
When it gets tough for you and me. How personality traits can make communication difficult. Part 2
Practical methods of existential analysis, support from family and loved ones, guidelines for communication.
Practice Intervision Workshop
October 9, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Galina Shatalova
Practical case studies, application of existential analysis, feedback and recommendations.
Improving professional skills, support and collaboration.
Practice Demonstration session. Q&A
October 16, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Lecture 4* Anxious and Schizotypal Personality Disorder
October 23, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Introduction to anxious personality disorder: basic diagnostic criteria, existential aspects, symptoms and manifestations.
Treatment of anxious personality disorder: existential methods and practical techniques.
Schizotypal depressive personality disorder: diagnosis, existential causes, symptoms.
Therapy of schizotypal depressive disorder: existential approach and therapeutic strategies.
Therapeutic approaches in existential analysis: working methods, increasing inner freedom, and techniques for enhancing self-worth.
* Only for Professional rate
Practice Intervision Workshop*
October 28, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Galina Shatalova
Difficult case studies and knowledge sharing.
* Only for Professional rate
Lecture 5* Histrionic Personality Disorder
October 31, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Understanding existential issues and their impact on Histrionic Personality Disorder.
Clinical manifestations of Histrionic Personality Disorder and existential therapy techniques.
Understanding the causes of Histrionic Personality Disorder, tools to work with, ways to find meaning and value in life.
* Only for Professional rate
Lecture 6* Borderline Personality Disorder
November 6, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Study of diagnostic criteria and mechanisms of onset, existential motivations and their deficits.
* Only for Professional rate
Practice Intervision Workshop*
November 8, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Galina Shatalova
In-depth case study, application of existential analysis.
* Only for Professional rate
Lecture 7* Narcissistic Personality Disorder
November 13, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Analysis of causes and symptoms, existential aspects, diagnostic and therapeutic methods.
* Only for Professional rate
Practice Intervision Workshop*
November 18, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Galina Shatalova
In-depth case study, application of existential analysis.
* Only for Professional rate
Lecture 8* Paranoid, para-existential and antisocial personality disorders
November 21, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Analysis of causes and symptoms, existential aspects, diagnostic and therapeutic methods.
* Only for Professional rate
Practice Supervision + Q&A session*
November 28, 2024
20.00-22.00 Moscow time (GMT +3)
Speaker Alfried Laengle
Feedback from experts, complex case studies, in-depth understanding of methods, sharing experiences, increasing confidence in work.
Participation in supervision will help develop professional skills and improve the quality of therapeutic practice.
* Only for Professional rate
A total of 24 to 51 academic hours of training under the guidance of a living legend, a psychotherapist with 40 years of experience, Alfried Laengle.
24 academic hours
3 live lectures with Alfried Laengle
1 demo session + Q&A with Alfried Laengle
1 intervision-workshop with Galina Shatalova
1 self-reflection session with mentors
Notes on all the sessions
Work channel with the curator
Homework assignments and questions for self-discovery
Lecture audio tracks
Access to the course materials for 6 months
Personalized certificate of attendance
30% OFF
30% OFF
30% OFF
51 academic hours
Everything included in the rate For Everyone +
1 self-reflection session with mentors
5 lectures with Alfried Laengle
3 intervision workshops with Galina Shatalova
1 Supervision + Q&A with Alfried Laengle
Access to the course materials for 12 months
Personalized certificate of participation
30% OFF
30% OFF
30% OFF
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All audiovisual works created by the Psy Class Experts team and speakers are copyrighted and prohibited from illegal copying, distribution and any other use without the prior consent of the copyright holders.
on personality disorders with Alfried Laengle (20:00 - 22:00 Moscow time (GMT +3).
where you can watch Alfried Laengle working with a real client and ask your questions
with Alfried Laengle, where we'll be discussing a few case studies on work with clients
case study + Q&A on lecture materials with Galina Shatalova
reflection on the material covered, allowing participants to share their feedback
optional format where students practice together
where you can ask questions and share experiences
where lecture notes, recordings and supplementary materials will be stored
within 6 to 12 months after the course ends
to help you master the course material. At the end of the course, you will find a complete final guide with pictures and diagrams that you can use in your own work
You will be able to listen and re-listen to the lectures in a podcast format. This is convenient if you combine the training with other activities
to apply the acquired knowledge
to get to know yourself to learn how to interact more easily with clients
digital certificate of participation signed by Alfried Laengle
Our mission is to make psychology accessible and understandable to everyone, to foster a professional community, and to bring best international practices to the work of professionals around the world.
For nearly 7 years, we have been creating accessible online courses and organizing major conferences for professionals at all levels of experience.
> 40,000 people from different countries have participated in our training programs with international speakers such as Peter Philippson, Alfried Laengle, Janae Weinhold, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and other world-class experts.
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