Advanced training course
training course in recording
by Professor Alfried Laengle, MD, PhD, founder of Existential Analysis
Learn how to effectively treat hysterical clients without breakdown, and discover how to use your own hysterical traits for professional and personal growth.
Learn how to effectively treat hysterical clients without breakdown, and discover how to use your own hysterical traits for professional and personal growth.
A person with hysteria doesn't find oneself. They do not know who they are or what they really want. There is emptiness, shame, guilt, loneliness, and fear in that person. But we don't see it.
Instead, we see a lot of movement, noise, exuberant enthusiasm, and ostentatious suffering.
A hysterical person needs others to reflect on them. So they exist nominally. But they exist.
The hysteria itself always happens wherever there is an audience.
The age of social networking literally nurtures such personalities. It gives them a "performance stage" and leads them further and further away from knowing their true selves.
The therapist's job is to open such a person to the self, to help them see their true desires, needs, and values, and to strengthen their right to be themselves.
In the beginning, they can express admiration all the time, bring gifts, and give lots of compliments
But enthusiasm can quickly be replaced by accusations and dissatisfaction with the professional's personality or manner of interaction
Unravel every aspect of hysteria and learn how to treat hysterical clients effectively in a training therapeutic course by Austrian psychotherapist and founder of existential analysis, Alfried Langle
As a BONUS, you will come to know yourself more intimately and understand how your hysterical traits manifest and how to use them constructively
To address the root causes of the client's problems and create lasting change, rather than addressing ad hoc issues
Anyone who sees the causes of diseases not only in physiology, but also in psychology, in order to avoid many problems in medical practice related to the personality traits of patients
Existential-analytical point of view on hysteria is very humanistic, there is no rigid judgment and negativity about hysterical clients. This knowledge will develop your arsenal of helping techniques and broaden your view of the problem
Everyone has hysterical elements, and they can be used for good, if you understand what is behind these or those manifestations of a person. You will learn to separate truth from showiness and look into the depths of the soul: your own and those around you
Learn about the causes and triggers of hysteria so that you can consider them in your work with clients as well as in your own life (e.g., in bringing up your own children)
Understand how a person suffering from hysteria experiences it internally and what it looks like externally in order to clearly identify the presence of hysteria and go deep into the suffering
Learn how to keep the clients who only show up for 2-3 sessions and then disappear so that you can complete the work without feeling frustrated with your own therapeutic skills
Master the methods of therapeutic work with hysterical clients, who often make accusations or give gifts to the professional and are then offended, and learn how to withstand them and lead them to the goal on the basis of practical examples
Realize how to help the client leave the good traits undisturbed and compensate for the negative ones in order to move toward their desires, needs, and purpose, as well as to use the personal traits for their own benefit
Find out how you can help your clients to grow up, to strengthen their Self, to be able to withstand challenges and suffering, and to move towards their high quality of life
Build practical skills in small intervision groups to confidently apply knowledge in practice and act according to a clearly defined algorithm
Discover how to cope with the hysterical traits of your own personality and how to accept them in order not to break down, but to evolve with a deep knowledge of yourself
Inner emptiness, loneliness
Lack of freedom, lack of fulfillment, not-living-my-life feeling
Workplace problems (getting fired, frequent changing of jobs, conflicts)
Drama in personal and/or friendship relationships
Problems with personal boundaries
Panic attacks
Low self-esteem/self-worth
Dependency and codependency
Difficulty expressing oneself / Impostor Syndrome
Debt, permanent financial problems
Self-identification "Who I am," "What do I want"
Lack of internal resilience
17 lessons by Alfried Laengle of 40-45 minutes each
where you'll see Alfried Laengle working with a real clients
with Alfried Laengle, where we'll look at some case studies of working with a hysterical client
with Alfried Laengle, where the participants clarify all the uncertainties
1) with case study “Specifics of working with hysteria based on the example of portraits of famous personalities”
2) about panic attacks with EA-certified psychotherapist Galina Shatalova
3) about the 4 types of personality disorder
in intervision groups with Galina Shatalova to practice the newly acquired knowledge
on an online platform where all recorded and supplemental training materials will be stored
for self-evaluation of the acquired knowledge and for obtaining the certificate
lasts for 1 year after buying the course
that can help you better internalize the course material and that you can refer back to after the course
You can listen and re-listen to the lectures in podcast mode. This is helpful when combining training with other activities
to practice what you've learned
to get to know your own hysterical part of yourself, learn how to deal with it, and have an easier time interacting with clients with a similar trait
Lesson 1. The content of hysteria
Lesson 2. Historical background and statistics of hysteria
Lesson 3. Description of hysteria
Lesson 4. Initial elements of histrionic personality
Lesson 1. Histrionic behavior
Lesson 2. Boundaries in hysteria
Lesson 3. Hysteric tendencies in healthy people
Lesson 4. Clinical aspects of hysteria
Lesson 1. Experiencing hysteric people
Lesson 2. Environmental development of hysteria
Lesson 3. Deeper view of hysteria in public
Lesson 4. Benefits of hysteric traits
Lesson 1. Dynamics of histrionic personality
Narrowness, pain and loneliness of hysteria
Don’t leave me alone!
Life from the outside
Lesson 2. How to treat hysteric people
I need to be seen in my pain, then I am not so alone
Therapy of hysteria
Specific attitude towards hysteric patient
Lesson 3. Setting in the therapy of hysteric clients
Regulations and setting in therapy
Examples of а therapeutic feedback
List of phrases for a therapist with hysteric patients
Lesson 4. Deep therapy of hysteria
What do you think about yourself?
From spontaneous to integrated reactions
Special methods of therapy
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> 40,000 people from different countries have participated in our training programs with international speakers such as Peter Philippson, Alfried Laengle, Janae Weinhold, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and other world-class experts.
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