January, 9

at 7 pm (+3 GMT)

Оnline participation worldwide

New year is bringing new opportunities!

Open Online Demonstration Session with Alfried Laengle

With simultaneous English-Russian interpreting

Follow the work of a professional in session with a real client

Ask your questions and get answers from a practitioner with 40 years of experience

Learn how to work with difficult cases without fear

Submit your case study and get practical advice 

How Useful is the Demonstration Session Format?

It has been scientifically proven that humans are capable of learning and absorbing new experiences by observing other people. This is largely due to our mirror neurons, first discovered in the early 1990s. They are located in the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes in the brain. Mirror neurons are activated both by doing the action itself as well as by watching others do the action.

Anyone who wants to improve their counseling and therapy skills has a unique opportunity to see a world psychotherapy master at work with a real client (not an actor) and to gain new professional experience of interacting within the psychotherapy session.

Psychotherapy will never seem like magic to you again. The mirror neurons can make it possible for you to repeat the experience in your own practice!

What Can Participants Expect at the Event?


To follow the progress of a real session where you can immediately see the process unfolding, the reactions of a client, and the interventions chosen by the therapist


To get a thorough overview after the counseling with an explanation of the process and content: what methods were used by the therapist, what questions were asked, and why therapist decided to go one way or another


To ask your questions about the session and get answers from Alfried Laengle


To submit your complicated case study by completing the application form after registration, and then get practical advice from a professional. (1-2 cases will be selected)

As a Result, You Will Gain:

more self-confidence as a specialist

additional skills and methods for effective work

understanding on how to deal with complex cases

rare experience of following the real work of a psychotherapy living legend

strong enthusiasm to implement new practices in your professional life

Whom Are We Waiting at the Event?

Consulting psychotherapists

Therapists of all types



Graduate students of Psychology

This event is aimed at those who:

are already helping other people, and are interested in implementing existential analysis methods in their work

lack practice, and need to observe and better understand how it works in real life

want to see how a professional works and enrich their own knowledge and interventions

This rare opportunity is absolutely

free for you!

Register, then complete the application form and join us in ZOOM at the scheduled time.

This session will be led by Alfried Laengle himself!

Alfried Laengle

Austrian existential analyst, psychotherapist

MD and PhD

Creator of a new branch of psychotherapy based on logotherapy and called existential analysis. Author of countless books and articles

Received the Gold Medal of Honor "For Services to the Republic of Austria" in 2011

Between 2002 and 2010, Alfried Laengle served as vice president of the International Federation of Psychotherapy

He is a professor and holder of various posts at numerous universities around the world

Successor of Viktor Frankl

Any questions?

Please contact our caring support team: