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Dates: September 13 December 4, 2023 

Online course by Regina Lord, German psychotherapist, Audi and BMW consultant

Fast Track

to Mindfulness

How to reach the client's deepest feelings using art techniques and improve your work performance

Why should every helping professional have art techniques in their toolkit?

The answer lies in the structure of our brain.

In the course of evolution, humans have acquired an important part of the brain that has made them «homo sapiens». This part of the brain is called the neocortex, and it is responsible for thinking, speaking, sensory perception, intellectual development, consciousness, and intelligence.

However, many experiences within us do not become conscious and do not become a cognitive experience, but remain in an older part of the brain called the limbic system. That's where emotional memory resides.

Through creativity (drawings, collages) a person makes contact with their unconscious. The creative process helps to overcome the barriers of rational thinking and, through the images, to recognize, safely respond to and even correct previously unconscious emotions and feelings. 

It is especially useful for those who tend to «think about feelings» without actually feeling anything.

Art techniques help to connect with a person emotionally, which is useful when working with people in a state of PTSD, crisis, loss, as well as clients with strong resistance and psychological defenses.

Projective methods can be used not only in psychology, but also in related fields: coaching, business consulting, HR and recruiting, which makes the application of the methods literally unlimited.

This Course Is Helpful For:

Practicing psychologists and psychotherapists of all modalities

Beginners and students of psychological training institutions

Trainers, HR professionals, coaches and anyone involved in people development

If You:

have the need to expand the range of methods available to

- bring novelty to long-term work with clients

- break the logjam when there seems to be no change

- help clients confront complex feelings and hidden knowledge about themselves

and there is a fear to 

to «go deep» because of a lack of competence and experience to guide the client safely

and there is a lack of knowledge 

and practical experience with art therapy methods

and there is also a lack of understanding

how to tell potential clients about the method without meeting their resistance.

but there are many questions 

how to structure work with a particular client within the framework of art therapy and how to organize this process more effectively

... then you should definitely attend!

Автор и ведущая курса Регина Лорд

Магистр психологии, практикующий арт-терапевт, орг.консультант Audi, BMW и других крупных компаний.

Присоединяйтесь к курсу и учитесь у специалиста, который уже 20 лет помогает как терапевт и бизнес-консультант, используя арт-техники при работе даже с самыми приверженными рационалистами, в том числе владельцами крупных бизнесов.

Join us and learn from an expert who has been practicing as a therapist and business consultant for over 40 years, using art techniques to work with even the most committed rationalists, including large corporations.

Regina Lord, Master of Psychology, practicing art therapist, organizational consultant to Audi, BMW and other major corporations.


With people who tend to rationalize everything, this method will help you make a big breakthrough in your work and reach layers of the psyche that were previously inaccessible.

What Will You Learn in 2 Months?

Getting to the emotionally complex experiences of clients, rather than just talking about them

Selecting the most appropriate tasks for the request and interpreting the results

Overcoming client skepticism and resistance when justifying the use of the tool

Integrating art therapy organically into conversational techniques, whatever modality is used

Conducting creative activities online

Recognizing the limitations of the method and using it only where it is truly useful

Course Program and Schedule

Lesson 1

September 13 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

Open Webinar. Creativity and Psychotherapy. History, philosophy, myths and limitations of projective techniques.

In this webinar, we will discuss the history and philosophy behind art therapy and practice some art therapy to experience the power and potential of the method firsthand. The central question to focus on in the work will be  «Who am I? And how did I become who I am?»

- How to use creativity in the work and also discover what the choice of different materials can tell us about the client and their situation.

- How to interpret the results

- Are there issues that art therapy does not work with?

+ Analysis of key beliefs associated with the method:

- Art therapy is not scientific

- Art therapy techniques work well with children, but not with adults

- It works with people who are creative thinkers, but it doesn't work with people who are highly rational

- Art therapy techniques cannot be done online

- If I suggest art therapy to a client, they will think I'm a bad professional

Lesson 2

September 27 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

What does it all mean? How to interpret a client's drawing in art therapy and where to go next.

- What do the symbols in pictures created by clients mean?

- What to rely on when interpreting a drawing

- How to work further with the client and their request after applying the technique

+ Express demo session with a client so you can clearly see how to guide the process and what to focus on when analyzing the results

The focus of the session will be the question, «Where am I in my personal process at the moment?»

Lesson 3

October 5 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

Workshop. The link between art therapy and emotions. Practical analysis of client drawings.

We will look at some slides of client drawings and focus on making a connection with your emotions.

- What to expect when working with the artwork

- Which task to choose to solve the client's problem

- Interventions to use during and after the practice

- Author techniques that Regina Lord uses most often

Lesson 4

October 19 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

Finding resources. How to discover a client's hidden potential through art techniques.

In this session we will do an activity that will allow you to not only help your clients, but also discover your own hidden capacities.

How to help clients unlock their potential and hidden resources.

Lesson 5

October 26 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

Practice. Demo session with a client about unlocking potential.

It is always valuable to observe and learn from the work of another professional through imprinting. One of the course participants will take part in the demo session.

Lesson 6

November 1 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

Projective techniques for working with complicated cases.

In this session you will learn how to use creative methods when working with complex client experiences.

- How to work with crisis, loss (divorce, loss of purpose, loss of physical health, death of a loved one)

- Case studies

- How to prepare the client for work when they think it's not serious

- Working with difficult feelings: guilt, shame, anxiety

Lesson 7

November 9 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

Practice. Demo session with a client having a complex experience.

- Observe the progress of the therapy led by Regina Lord

- Learn how to apply art techniques when working with a real request

- Gain new ways of working with difficult client cases.

Lesson 8

December 4 at 19.00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

Specific projective tools.

- How to work online

- How to work with clients in crisis

- How to work with clients experiencing change and loneliness

+ Q&A on the course

Rates and Tariffs

Participation in the lecture part of the course (Lessons 1-4, 6)

Participation in the practical part of the course (Lessons 5,7,8)

Personal account on the Get Course platform

Personal certificate

Homework assignments to study the material

Access to course recordings for 12 months

130 EUR

Reserve your place

in the course for 30 EUR

Online support will help you choose a convenient payment method

Make an advance payment - reserve

a place and a special price

Забронировать место

на курсе за 1000 руб.

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Author and course leader Regina Lord

Masters in Psychology, Education and Fine Arts from the University of Munich, Germany

40 years experience as therapist and coach

Organizational consultant for Audi, BMW, Infineon, the European Patent Office

Consultant for top management of industrial companies in the areas of development and corporate communication

Certified Art Therapist at the Academy for Art and Therapy, Munich, Germany

Lecturer for Art Therapy at the University of Nürtingen, Germany

Lecturer in Art Therapy at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich

Course curator

Elena Sopilidi

Practicing psychologist, art therapist, mind-body therapist

Author of a unique art training for children from 3 to 10 years old, on the basis of which she has trained more than 300 professionals to work with children. Holds training courses «Early Development Educator" and "Children's Art Therapist»

Certified trainer (International Academy of Psychological Sciences) - expert in the field of psychological and developmental trainings

Pedagogue of non-formal education. Trained and practiced at the Institute of Non-Formal Education in Israel

Certified body-oriented psychotherapist (International Academy of Psychological Sciences - IAPS)

Certified Counseling Psychologist (IAPS)

Certified Nutritiologist (Russian Institute for Advanced Training)

2021 The New Level Program for Professionals. Study of working with Attachment Styles, Lifespan Integration Methods and Internal Family Subpersonality (IFS) Systems

About Us:

PsyClass experts – a 6 year-old educational project that has been helping psychologists to continuously develop, whilst adopting the knowledge and experience from leading world experts in the field of psychology.

During our existence we have created:

More than 300 webinars

Over 70 online courses

Over 50000 users have participated in our educational programmes

We have collaborated with Janae Weinhold, Peter Philippson, Gianni Francesetti, Jan Rubal, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Ruella Frank and many other specialists and recognized experts in the field of psychology and psychotherapy.

We bring together thousands of psychologists around the world, create a supportive professional environment and accommodating conditions for learning and sharing experiences and knowledge. We have a big team and we thrive on psychology. We are here to develop this science and make it accessible to everyone.

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